What is Northern Fly Ash Black Mortar?
Mucky Stuff.
Straight Lime Mortar mixed with Chimney Soot collected from local factories. This practice was common-place throughout the North-West of England during and after the Industrial Revolution.
One of Romes many technological gifts to the world was ofcourse - concrete.
Historically - Roman concrete contained pozzolanic ash from Mount Versuvius. This is what's known as a pozzolan. Pozzolans are known for their performance and all-round durabillity enhancing effects when added to a mortar mix.
During the Industrial Revolution, the North of England underwent huge transformation with unprecedented levels of expansion. The 100's of factories that popped up created an enormous amount of waste from its chimneys.
Amongst this waste was a material called 'fly-ash'.
This 'fly-ash' was collected from the local factories and used:
- for its 'Pozzolanic effects' on the Mortar
- as a cost-effective bulking agent in the mortar mix
- to save and make use of what would otherwise become - millions of tons of waste
The method of mixing fly-ash represented cost savings and improved technical characteristics in the mortar.
As a much cheaper alternative material to cement or lime and when taking its mortar improving characterists into consideration made it a staple building product and commonplace on any building site from over 100 years.
During the industrial revolution and for many years after up until the late 50's, it was possible to purchase 'fly-ash' from builders merchants along with cement and lime etc.
'Fly Ash' was outlawed in the mid 20th century due to its health hazards.
Modern Building Codes dictate only specific compatible mortar types are to be used when Repointing Brickwork bedded on Fly-Ash / Black-Ash Mortar.
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